Employing a multi-disciplinary feminist lens, this class examines women’s and LGBTQ+ rights within the United Nations system, with a primary focus on human rights, sustainable development, and peace & security. This course seeks to expose students to the complex issues - social, political, economic, and legal - that characterize women’s and LGBTQ+ rights around the globe. The theoretical foundations are in the area of gender mainstreaming, which is the practice of integrating a gender equality perspective across all governing systems including but not limited to policy development, political representation, institutional regulations, program building, and budgeting. Students will be asked to conduct research on women’s and LGBTQ+ rights within a country of their choice. Students present their findings to the class as well as write a final report.
Instruction Mode: In Person
Class Meeting Dates and Times: Tu & Th – 12:55 pm – 2:15 pm