Career Ready Intensive

April 14 – May 12

Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00PM EDT


Employers are looking for students who are career-ready! That means they are looking for certain skills or "competencies" in new college graduates they hire. The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) has identified eight career readiness competencies. To help build these competencies, students can complete the self-paced Career Ready Guide.


Join Career & Civic Engagement Center staff and guest speakers on Wednesday evenings over the course of five weeks to build your skills around the career competencies – work ethic, communication, critical thinking, teamwork, digital technology, leadership, intercultural fluency, and career management – presented in the Career Ready Guide.


Time commitment: We will meet on Zoom on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00PM EDT from April 14 – May 12. Additional asynchronous time will be required to complete workbook content and watch recorded interviews with guest speakers. The total anticipated time commitment per week is 2–3 hours.